An Introduction to Purchasing Olive Oil

What follows is essential information. You must be an Extra-Virgin or else! Extra- virgin olive oil is the finest grade olive oil you can get since it has never been heated or processed in any way and is devoid of any chemicals or "defects" like rancidity. Although there is still some variation in quality within extra-virgin olive oil , this is as near as you can come to a label-based assurance of purity without extensive prior knowledge of specific olive oil brands. Just by looking for just two terms, you may remove a huge selection of subpar bottles. You Should Avoid the "Light" By definition, oil is fat, hence there is no such thing as "low fat" olive oil. Light olive oil is a misleading marketing term for olive oil that has been processed and heated to remove taste and aroma. Try peanut or grapeseed oil, which are both inexpensive and flavorless, if you want an oil with no discernible aftertaste. Examine the Small Print: Try to avoid buying oils that ...